The Construction of Velocipede

With track laid and most of the structural elements in place, we begin covering with sculptamold.

Foam elements are coated with sculptamold.
The tresile support is also completed today.
Foam packing material (blue) helps to shape the hillside.
The foam is covered with a thick coat of scultamold.
Now we are ready to cover the table and forms with paint and grass foam.
The low lands get the first application. One hill is used to test our rock colors.
The model foam is sprinkled onto the wet (diluted) latex paint using small jars with 1/4 inch holes drilled in the top. A brush is used to clear the track and non-painted areas of the sprinkled grass and earth model foam.
The grass begins to grow in downtown Velocipede. Also you can see that rocks have been added to the sculptamold rock face. These were created using a store bought rock mold and plaster.
The hill and dale are painted and sprinkled with grass and earth foam.
The rocks were painted using diluted rock colors sprayed on with a spray bottle. Hightlights were created with an india ink wash. Further highlight and shadow paintings are planned.
My rock colors all start with a latex paint color. Tints are added or white latex painted is added or both. The final result is always diluted at 1:1 or more before application. Further dilution takes place on the rock face with the application of wet water immediately after the paint is applied.

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